An 20-year-old girl has become the newest person to accuse Chicago artist Famous Dex of being abusive towards her.

The girl posted photos of her face, sporting a badly bruised lip, to her Instagram story yesterday [9/29/108], along with a clip from a conversation with Dex on FaceTime. In the clip she accused Dex of being abusive towards females & sleeping with 16-year-old girls, and she also called him a “crackhead” on her story. (Typo on 1st slide should read ‘A 20-Year…’ not ‘An 20-Year…).

She denied she was posting about the incident for ‘clout’ in the caption of a post of screenshots of a conversation with her mother, and also claimed Dex was “physically abusive, verbally abusive etc.”

The majority of the posts were removed the next day, and it’s apparent from the girl’s profile that she was seeing Dex in some way, as he featured heavily on her story Highlights. Do you believe her?

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