Today on Instagram Chicago artist Lil Mister claimed he chased rival rapper Memo600, which allegedly led to Memo wrecking his car and making an exit on foot.

Mister spoke briefly about the incident on Instagram live and posted a Facebook screenshot saying: “Just Caught 600memo Lackin Made Him Crash his car [Laughing Emojis] NOCAP & we Got Footage”, with the caption: “@memofrm600 I TOLD YOU I DON’T PLAY BITCH ASS RAPPER N***A….EXPOSING”

In the instagram live video the ‘No Lackin’ rapper & Lil Jojo & Smylez (RIP) affiliate urges fans to tag Memo and write ‘crash dummy’, claiming if he gets enough comments he’ll release alleged footage of the incident itself. Memo is yet to comment or post on his social media since the alleged incident occurred. Follow us on Instagram @RapCatchUp [] for Updates.

Do You believe Mister?

Instagram: @lilwoppa

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[Beat: @JulioHardaway –] .

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