Tekashi 6IX9INE’s former official DJ Pvnch posted a video to his YouTube channel yesterday touching on a number of topics relating to 6IX9INE co-operating with federal authorities & explaining events leading up to his arrest. These included: the media misunderstanding the term “super violate” in 6IX’s case, how he feels about Tekashi’s decision to co-operate, people justifying his decision to turn and if he would ever work with him ever again if he were to be released.

He claimed the term “super violate”, which was picked up in a tapped phone conversation between Shotti and another Tr3yway member, does not mean murder or kill as assumed by prosecutors and the media. Pvnch said the term would be better translated as “slap up” or “beat up” & believes they were not planning to kill him.

The DJ, who toured internationally with 6IX9INE and also helped connect him to Bobby Shmurda, broke down exactly why he feels that 6IX’s decision to turn on Tr3yway can’t be justified. He explained that once you choose to be involved in illegal activities you can never justify turning on the people you did them with, no matter what the situation.

Near the end of the 50-min long video Pvnch says he would not work with 6IX9INE again if he was released unless all of the other Tr3yway affiliates are released with him, citing reasons such as Shotti’s family and others being hurt by Tekashi’s decision.

Check out the full Video on Pvnch’s YouTube channel ThatHometeam
Here: https://goo.gl/knBXzW

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[Beat: @JulioHardaway – http://bit.do/Julio1]

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