Chicago rapper P.Rico was recently shot, and posted a video to his Instagram page from a hospital bed.

Rico posted the short clip to his story on Tuesday night [January 14th 2019]
showing himself recovering in hospital, with an overlaid caption revealing he was shot, reading:

‘Bitch ass N****s shot me [OK Emoji]’

He made another post to his Instagram page today (@P.rico_069) detailing that he was hit twice with a ‘4nick’ & showing scarring from surgery he had after the shooting. From the brief videos it appears he was hit at least once in the lower torso:

No other information about the incident has been made public at this time. Stay tuned to this page and our Instagram page @RapCatchUp for updates.

Instagram: @P.Rico_069

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[Beat: @ELFOnTheBeatMG,]

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