Chicago’s Famous Dex and Smylez positively replied today via social networks to Rico Recklezz’ ‘Hit Em Up’ diss track aimed at most Chicago rappers.
Famous Dex posted:
@FamousDex: “@RICO_RECKLEZZ u Funny Bitch [Laughing Emojis] that Song got me dead [Laughing Emojis]”
To which Rico responded and Dex replied again asking Rico to call him. Rico stated that Dex took the diss track as it was originally meant, not a serious diss track but a way of ‘shaking up the scene”.
JojoWorld’s Smylez also made a post about Rico and the diss track last night on YouTube and social networks saying “pass the ball or get it took from you”, referring to the way Chicago rappers do not network and support each other’s music.
Check out all the posts above
Follow: @FamousDex @IAmSmylez
[Background Beat Prod. by @RamsayTha_Great,]
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