After seemingly previously coming to some sort of resolution, former friends RondoNumbaNine and Tay Capone (formerly Tay600) were back at each other’s necks over the last few days.
Rondo posted a page of paperwork to his Instagram page which he claimed was proof Tay co-operated with authorities and led to his and Cdai’s convictions. Tay himself responded saying “it’s not real”, then proceeded to directly call Rondo a “snitch” for allowing his lawyer to suggest Cdai was the only shooter in their case in an alternate theory as to what could have happened that night in his appeal paperwork.
This triggered a post on Rondo’s page with the entire 4 pages, with a long paragraph calling Tay “Delusional”, dismissing Tay’s claims and saying him and his codefendant Cdai have a “bond for life built off love”.
Tay then responded multiple times in the comment section below the post and on his Twitter page. One of the posts read: “Free 22 Rondo Snitched Ona Guyz”. He claimed he would never incriminate himself like the posted paperwork says he did, and accused Rondo of using him to try to distract fans from his own issues. He then attempted to prove the paperwork is false by asking fans to compare it to the statements of the 2 girls who were caught up in the case and named as witnesses, and saying his signature/handwriting does not resemble the one on the statement. Without response he continued to attempt to expose Rondo, speaking about their childhood and even the start of their musical careers, saying: “I’ve been a better rapper den u literally since I made my first song…”.
Check all the posts out for yourself above. Who do you believe?
Instagram: @Rondo600RN4L @LA_Ganggg
[Beat: @JulioHardaway –]
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