Young Pappy’s younger brother and producer TaySav was arrested 5 days ago on firearms charges and is being held in liue of $75,000 bail.
TaySav is being charged with aggravated unlawful use of a weapon under the age of 21 years old (charge code ‘AGG UUW/PERSON/-21’). Although the second amendment gives each person the right to bear arms, it is illegal to carry guns in Illinois, and this Class 4 felony charge comes with a possible penalty of 1-3 years in prison and a fine.
Although the law says that the judge is permitted to sentence the defendant to probation as opposed to time in custody, the policy of the Cook County State’s Attorney is to seek a prison sentence in every case due to high levels of gun violence in the state. Because of this it is expected that TaySav will spend a certain amount of time in jail unless he meets the Illinois standard 10% of his $75,000 bail amount.
S/o Tywan Ramble for the heads up.
Follow: @A1tayDaProducer
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