Chicago rappers Rico Recklezz & Mikey Dollaz were involved in a brawl last night in a nightclub where Mikey Dollaz was booked to perform.
Both rappers claim slightly different events took place last night, but both confirm the incident took place at one of Mikey Dollaz’ shows in Chicago. Rico is said to have got into the venue and punched Mikey Dollaz when he wasn’t expecting it, leading to a larger melee between security guards and Rico & his entourage. According to Mikey Rico made a swift exit after their fight.
Rico said after he hit Mikey he was jumped on by security guards, and Mikey later claimed the security at the venue were friends of his.
No footage of the incident was captured and so there is no way of ultimately knowing who’s version of events is truth. Some fans and even witnesses seem to be siding with Rico whereas some seem to be on Mikey Dollaz’ side. Who do you believe?
IG: @BigRecklezz @MikeyDollaz
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[Beat: @ELFOnTheBeat,]
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